Policies on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA),

Sexual Harassment, Harassment, Discrimination, Abuse of Authority, and Retaliation:


1. Introduction

At Weitek Consultants, we are committed to maintaining a safe, respectful, and inclusive workplace environment for all employees, contractors, clients, and partners. As such, we have established the following policies to prevent and address instances of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA), Sexual Harassment, Harassment, Discrimination, Abuse of Authority, and Retaliation. These policies apply to all individuals associated with Weitek Consultants, including but not limited to employees, contractors, interns, and volunteers.

2. Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA)

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) refers to any act or behavior by an individual associated with Weitek Consultants that involves the abuse of power or authority for sexual purposes. This includes, but is not limited to, sexual harassment, sexual assault, coercion, exploitation, and any other form of sexual misconduct.


Weitek Consultants has a zero-tolerance policy towards Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA). Any individual found to have engaged in SEA will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contract, and may be reported to relevant authorities for further investigation and legal action.

3. Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment refers to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates a hostile or offensive work environment.


Weitek Consultants prohibits all forms of Sexual Harassment in the workplace, including but not limited to:
– Unwelcome sexual advances
– Requests for sexual favors
– Verbal or written comments of a sexual nature
– Display of sexually explicit materials
– Physical conduct of a sexual nature

Any individual who believes they have experienced or witnessed Sexual Harassment should report the incident promptly to their supervisor, HR department, or designated point of contact. We will promptly and thoroughly investigate all complaints of Sexual Harassment and take appropriate disciplinary action against individuals found to have violated this policy.

4. Harassment

Harassment refers to any unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, or visual, that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment based on an individual’s protected characteristic, including but not limited to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law.


Weitek Consultants prohibits all forms of Harassment in the workplace, including but not limited to:
– Verbal abuse or threats
– Offensive jokes or comments
– Physical intimidation or assault
– Visual displays of offensive material

Any individual who believes they have experienced or witnessed Harassment should report the incident promptly to their supervisor, HR department, or designated point of contact. We will promptly and thoroughly investigate all complaints of Harassment and take appropriate disciplinary action against individuals found to have violated this policy.

5. Discrimination

Discrimination refers to unfair or unequal treatment of an individual or group based on their protected characteristic, including but not limited to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law.


Weitek Consultants prohibits all forms of Discrimination in the workplace, including but not limited to:
– Hiring, promotion, or compensation decisions based on protected characteristics
– Assigning job duties or responsibilities based on protected characteristics
– Creating a hostile work environment based on protected characteristics

Any individual who believes they have experienced or witnessed Discrimination should report the incident promptly to their supervisor, HR department, or designated point of contact. We will promptly and thoroughly investigate all complaints of Discrimination and take appropriate disciplinary action against individuals found to have violated this policy.

6. Abuse of Authority

Abuse of Authority refers to the misuse of power or authority by an individual associated with Weitek Consultants to intimidate, manipulate, or exploit others for personal gain or gratification.


Weitek Consultants prohibits all forms of Abuse of Authority in the workplace, including but not limited to:
– Bullying or intimidation
– Retaliation against individuals who report misconduct
– Misuse of supervisory or managerial authority

Any individual who believes they have experienced or witnessed Abuse of Authority should report the incident promptly to their supervisor, HR department, or designated point of contact. We will promptly and thoroughly investigate all complaints of Abuse of Authority and take appropriate disciplinary action against individuals found to have violated this policy.

7. Retaliation

Retaliation refers to any adverse action taken against an individual for reporting misconduct, participating in an investigation, or otherwise exercising their rights under these policies.


Weitek Consultants prohibits all forms of Retaliation against individuals who report misconduct or participate in investigations. Retaliation can take many forms, including but not limited to:
– Reprisal or threats
– Negative performance evaluations
– Denial of opportunities or benefits

Any individual who believes they have experienced or witnessed Retaliation should report the incident promptly to their supervisor, HR department, or designated point of contact. We will promptly and thoroughly investigate all complaints of Retaliation and take appropriate disciplinary action against individuals found to have violated this policy.

8. Conclusion

Weitek Consultants is committed to fostering a workplace culture that promotes respect, dignity, and equality for all individuals. We encourage open communication and collaboration to ensure that these policies are effectively implemented and upheld. Together, we can create a safe and inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive.


By accepting employment or entering into a contractual relationship with Weitek Consultants, individuals agree to abide by the policies outlined in this document and acknowledge their responsibility to contribute to a positive workplace culture free from harassment, discrimination, abuse, and retaliation.